Thursday, January 7, 2016

Phil Borges Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening?

The other day I happened to stumble over Phil Borges. For over 25 years he has been traveling around the world, documenting indigenous and tribal cultures. Apart from his award winning books and famous photography, he recently started a project called CRAZYWISE  - it is about the call, the awakening to another consciousness level, which goes along with a shocking experience for most of the Westerners. 

The talk gives a good introduction that we need to understand that a so called psychosis is not necessarily to be treated with medication, hospitalization etc. 
We have to understand that in tribal cultures some of these experiences would have been regarded as a Shaman's call. 

It was such a relief for me to hear about him explaining all this. Because the other year I experienced something similar what he was talking about. Almost out of nothing! I was having a happy life in a community near Byron Bay, Australia. And BAM. Anyway. 

By this talk I understood I am not crazy. Even though I am still not totally convinced. It just goes beyond all concepts we have learned in this capitalist society so far. And even now when I am writing these words, it just seems so surreal to me. 

 Check out the talk here.

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