Tuesday, January 12, 2016

channeled by bashar:

"...it has been often said you are shifting. your frequencies from one reality level to another. and this is so. but you are always shifting. your are shifting now. it is a natural thing that you do. you don't have to wait to shift. you've been shifting. you've been shifting all your lives. this is the way motion is created. this is  what happens when you create the illusion of movement. the only way to create the illusion of movement is to actually shift from parallel reality to parallel reality that is slightly different from the reality you are in before.
so your are shifting now. now. now. NOW
through constant constant CONSTANTLY shifting parallel realities.

the idea of noticing the changes is.

thats when you know you are shifting.

that learning to shift is nothing you need to learn

this is the nature of how change exists

the qustion is not can you shift.

by Bashar

Saturday, January 9, 2016

crisis - a definition

In most dictionaries a crisis is found to be some kind of problematic situation, e.g. Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, where the crisis is “a time of great danger, difficulty or confusion when problems must be solved or important decisions must be made” (Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary 1995, 265). It is distinguished between medical, personal, economical and political aspects (Oxford Advanced Learners’ Dictionary 1995, 265). However, they fail to express the chances provided by a crisis, a time of transition, an opportunity to change. A rather neutral interpretation can be found in the medical or personal context, where a crisis is a certain level in the development of a sickness. The resolution of the crisis is to determine whether the patient recovers or dies (Holton 1987, 504).

The quotation „every transition is crisis, and isn’t crisis sickness?” of Goethe’s Wilhelm Meister’s apprenticeship depicts the idea of a crisis far more clearly.

By the first part, Goethe expresses the idea of a crisis as a transition. 
When continuing his sentence, his initially rather neutral description receives a negative connotation, whereby one has to consider that this amendment has the character of a rhetorical question. In light of this expression, Goethe reveals the peculiarity of a crisis. 
The crisis regarded to as a transition, has positive and negative aspects. Nevertheless, Goethe calls it also “sickness”, because it forces the involved subjects to act, which is a deviation of normality and depending on the degree of anomaly could be quite threatening and dangerous. 
However, one has doubts about the nature of interpretation, saying such situations are only disadvantageous, especially when regarded to as speeding up a necessary transition,  which is why Goethe phrased his assertion as a rhetorical question and leaves it open to interpretation.

So in general, a crisis is an unstable situation, in which subjects are forced to take decisions, which have substantial consequences for the agents or the involved, with a good or bad outcome. The process of transition itself is accompanied by uncertainty, pressure and in some cases danger.

Keeping Goethe’s definition of crisis in mind the economic, environmental, social and personal or psychic crisis can be understand as being the possibility of a transition, a change to a more just
and healthy society in harmony with nature, but this decision has to be made individually. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Phil Borges Psychosis or Spiritual Awakening?

The other day I happened to stumble over Phil Borges. For over 25 years he has been traveling around the world, documenting indigenous and tribal cultures. Apart from his award winning books and famous photography, he recently started a project called CRAZYWISE  - it is about the call, the awakening to another consciousness level, which goes along with a shocking experience for most of the Westerners. 

The talk gives a good introduction that we need to understand that a so called psychosis is not necessarily to be treated with medication, hospitalization etc. 
We have to understand that in tribal cultures some of these experiences would have been regarded as a Shaman's call. 

It was such a relief for me to hear about him explaining all this. Because the other year I experienced something similar what he was talking about. Almost out of nothing! I was having a happy life in a community near Byron Bay, Australia. And BAM. Anyway. 

By this talk I understood I am not crazy. Even though I am still not totally convinced. It just goes beyond all concepts we have learned in this capitalist society so far. And even now when I am writing these words, it just seems so surreal to me. 

 Check out the talk here.